Dear Sir,
I am writing to you on behalf of Gary Raikes the leader of the British National Party in Scotland to explain a little about our party and dispel some of the misrepresentations you may have heard about us.
The British National Party has a long history and growing support in Scotland and has recently stood in the high profile Euro Elections (June 2009) and NE Glasgow Bye-Election (November 2009) with ever – increasing votes. We now have members from all ages and walks of life and are established as a credible mainstream alternative.
We have taken part in many local initiatives from clean-ups of vandalised parks to support for Army veterans’ charities (FEBA) in Scotland to name but a few.
Increasingly, numbers of voters are expressing apathy and discontent with the endless incompetence, lies, false promises and sleaze coming from the three parties that make up the Old Gang of Lib/Lab/Con. And who can blame them? Labour’s recent record has involved illegal wars, the banking bailout scandal, the MP’s expenses scandal, the sell-off of British industry; and the handover of our sovereignty and power to unelected and unaccountable politicians in Brussels, never mind the destruction of our heritage and culture posed by uncontrolled mass immigration! We can revitalize interest in British politics. The process should be more inclusive, with more democracy, not less. We would like to put the British people first in choices for their own country – after all it’s only fair.
The British National Party is a legal, moderate, and legitimate political party which is making progress in elections and now has over 100 Councillors, one London Assembly member, and two MEPs, including our chairman, Nick Griffin. Most of the people who attack the BNP are opposed to free debate and dislike both moral standards and Christianity, and have sought to marginalise our Christian heritage whilst paving a way for extremism from the Middle East. What is done to the BNP now could be done to Christians later. Christians would do well to stand up for the rights of the BNP to free debate and to seriously consider their views, which reflect up to 70% of the people of Britain, on many issues, including that of mass immigration.
We have a vast and growing raft of sensible and viable policies to lay before the voting public, far transcending the mythology that we are merely a political party only concerned with immigration. Our full manifesto and policies can be found at We are interested in the future and how to improve the well being of our people based on the lessons from history. At the moment it seems we are becoming second class citizens in our own country, with rising crime, plus increasing poverty and taxes, for many becoming the social norm.
I can assure you the men and women of the British National Party are well meaning and decent individuals, only motivated by a love and admiration for the traditions of our land and who wish to build a decent community based on family values. There are a significant number of active Christians within our ranks and they will be making sure that churchgoers throughout the country are made aware of what the British National Party really stands for in the run-up to the General Election. The BNP has indeed warned about the danger Britons face from the growth of Islam on our shores. The vast majority of congregations agree with our stance on this and understand the long term social and ideological threat posed to Christianity. However, we have no quarrel with individual Muslims and have no wish to divide communities. The BNP is not anti-Jewish either. In fact we have one elected Jewish councillor (Pat Richardson – Epping Forest). The BNP has members in it who are Jewish, who are secularist, who are evangelical Christians, and who are Roman Catholics.
We are opposed to SNP separatism and believe Scotland is better off as part of the Union. Far from being impoverished; as part of Britain, Scotland is allocated more funding per person than any other part of the UK. We support the devolved parliament and all local decision making in Scotland. We would also support a referendum on Scottish independence.
We oppose totalitarianism in all its forms, both Marxist and Fascist. We believe this Labour government has implemented some of the most sinister laws attacking free speech and censorship this country has ever seen.
Anti – War
Our party is determined to re-awaken Britain’s manufacturing sector, dismantle its monopolies and generate green jobs. Our party’s foreign and defence policy of armed neutrality would see British forces withdrawn from global conflict theatres in which the country has no vital interests.
Supporting Our Troops – Bring them home now!
We believe Britain has no business intruding into the affairs of the Middle East in respect either of Israel or any other territory. Nor is it our business to support American foreign policy in the Middle East as the USA’s junior partner. We disagreed with and opposed involvement in Iraq long before the war started, together with the Green Party.
Please do not simply let the powers-that-be demonise us unfairly. Give our policies a chance and you will see they
are based on common sense and with the best intentions.
Yours faithfully,